The Frat House

Jack & Aiden's Blog for Friends & Family

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Jack and Aiden had breakfast with Santa this morning - Jack told Santa he wanted a candy cane for Christmas (instant gratification) and Aiden told Santa he wanted a baby (absolute disappointment) - Then the boys usurped Santa's chair immediately on his departure - You move your feet you lose your seat -

Jack's first play

Jack had his first performance at school - His job was to shine the flashlight on the moon - He took a great picture with his class -

Don't ask

Aiden has a few new hiding places

Gingerbread Party

The boys had a great time at the gingerbread - here is Jack's masterpiece

Batman Part II

As if it were not enough to have one Batman crazed fan in the house -

Oh Christmas Tree

The boys headed out to pick a tree and then proceeded to supervisor daddy's progress in cutting it down - All were rewarded with hot chocolate afterwards