The Frat House

Jack & Aiden's Blog for Friends & Family

Friday, March 02, 2007

Cannavino Men

Here are just a few pictures of the three generations of John Cannavino + Aiden...because just becond your 2nd doesn't mean your 2nd rate. Right Baby boo hoo?

Christmas in Connecticut, again?

Anma Debbie sent us some fun shots. Here are a few shots from the playground, and Stepping Stones Children's Museum, and Slot Car Racing, and playing "Batman" on the computer. No wonder Jack this his grandparents house is cooler than ours!

Christmas in March?

Bringing you some belated holiday cheer:
1. Jack opening all of his presents Christmas morning.
2. Aiden sporting the necessary 1st Christmas articles of clothing.
3. Jack figuring out how to work the "not for 2 and under" train.

Cannavino Visit Part II

There is only one picture included here, but it was much too cute not to post. Here Jack is with his lovely Aunt Cori and Caylin, enjoying their loving undivided attention.

The Spirit of Blogs Past

This next series of posts are going to be reliving older posts, but with new pictures. The Cannavinos finally got their act together and sent us some photos=). So we thought we would share a mix of the greatest hits. Enjoy...