The Frat House

Jack & Aiden's Blog for Friends & Family

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm Batman

Jack attended the Batman premiere in full costume with Aunts Cay Cay and Co Co. Believe it or not, he did not move a muscle throughout the entire movie, except to proclaim "He wrecked the Batmobile!!! It's broken!" I told Jack we would promptly call Mr.Wayne to discuss being more careful next time.

Forgot to mention...

Aiden has his first official concussion. A minor one, but still think I'll be keeping off the football field just to be sure. Here is Aiden, "boating enthusiast" , before any calamities occurred.

Call the insurance agent

The boys love to drive their cars around the driveway. And sometimes Aiden even likes to "drive" the big kid cars around.

Hot dog

In the past year we've developed a new obsession in our house. While it does not rival "batman" Mimo, as Aiden likes to call Mickey Mouse has been quite the craze. Here is Jack in the shared Mickey Mouse ears and just a cute picture of Aiden from last winter.

It's been a while

So you ask...where have you been? Just sailing the "ocean" in our "yacht". Not really, but we've done a lot. We moved to Connecticut, lived with the in-laws, moved into our own place (the boys officially have gone "green" with their very own yard"), passed the bars, got jobs, etc. The rest of the posts tonight will be highlights of cute pictures I managed to take in the past year or more. I have now taken over uploading photos so you have me to yell at instead of daddy for no current posts. Hopefully from here on out it will be more current.