The Frat House

Jack & Aiden's Blog for Friends & Family

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Halloween Party

While Daddy spent the day at a boring symposium, Jack and Mama headed out to the Golden Gate Mother's Group Halloween Party. Jack had a blast with all his friends from playgroup. Our little "man of steel" decorated pumpkins, danced to the band, and jumped around in his first bouncy house. Not even a career ending injury from another little one got him out of the bouncy house. It wasn't easy to drag him out of there while 40 weeks preggers, so that incident went unphotographed, but here you can see him having an absolute blast.

Halloween 07

I never claimed that we were creative for Halloween. Jack's Superman again. But since he can't say Superman, he's been telling everyone that he's Batman.

No, seriously. The only multisyllabic word he can say is Batman.


I call shenanigans. This is what happens when your kid is a ham.

Actual Birthday

Here's Jack opening his mountain of gifts on the morning of his birthday. In case you didn't notice, he got all Thomas the Train stuff. That's just how he rolls.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Jack's 2nd Birthday Party

Jack had his 2nd Birthday Party at Alta Plaza Playground. All his friends from playgroup showed up for a Thomas-extravaganza. Jack had a great time and really "gets" the present thing. He now apparently thinks any wrapped box is a present for him. He also got a birthday kiss from his friend Evelyn. Unfortunately, mama was too slow to actually capture the moment, but I did get a little of the romance.

Aiden's Shower

Our friends threw a fabulous shower for Jack's baby brother Aiden. John and Jack also got to attend their first shower. I think John will never complain again about not being invited to this kind of stuff. Although, he did get to watch a 49ers game on Jenna's huge HDTV. Jack on the other hand, relished the female companionship and had a great time torturing Jenna's cat. Here is Jack showing his true colors.